Fifteen minutes away from the bustling activites in Dumaguete City lies a seemingly ordinary coastal municipality, revealing its hidden treasures as you immerse yourself in its waters.
This haven for marine sanctuaries boasts one in each district. Reaching DAUIN is as simple as catching any of the Ceres buses to Bayawan from Dumaguete City (The Ceres terminal is widely known if you inquire).
Alternatively, you can hop on one of the multicabs directly heading to Dauin, Zamboanguita, or Siaton (referred to as “easy ride” in this part of town) near Dumaguete’s public market.
Alight at Dauin’s public market, easily recognizable as it’s situated right along the highway. From the market, the beach is a brief 5-minute stroll, or you can locate a tricycle and arrange a ride to the beach in front of the marine sanctuary.
A visit to Dauin will reveal that you don’t require diving, swimming, or snorkeling skills to witness the enchanting marine life before you. Beyond being a sanctuary for marine life, the locals in the area are a true reflection of Dumaguete’s amiable community, and surprisingly, even the fish exhibit a gentle demeanor!