Some figures about Negros Oriental

Negros Oriental is a province located in the Philippines. Here are some figures and information about the province, based on data available up to my last knowledge update in January 2022. Keep in mind that some of this information may have changed since then, and it’s a good idea to verify with up-to-date sources for the latest statistics:

Location: Negros Oriental is situated in the Central Visayas region of the Philippines, on the island of Negros.

Area: The province covers an area of approximately 5,402 square kilometers.

Population: The population of Negros Oriental was estimated to be around 1.4 million people in 2020. It’s worth noting that the population may have changed since then.

Capital: The capital of Negros Oriental is Dumaguete City.

Geography: The province is known for its diverse geography, including coastal areas, mountains, and fertile plains. It is often referred to as the “Land of Gentle People.”

Languages: The official languages are English and Filipino, but Cebuano (Bisaya) is the most widely spoken language in daily life.

Economy: The economy of Negros Oriental is primarily driven by agriculture, with sugarcane being a major crop. Tourism also plays a significant role in the province’s economy, with attractions like beautiful beaches, natural parks, and historical sites.

Tourism: Negros Oriental is a popular tourist destination, known for its natural beauty, marine life, and cultural heritage. Dumaguete City, also called the “City of Gentle People,” is a hub for education and tourism.

Educational Institutions: The province is home to several universities and colleges, including Silliman University, one of the oldest American-established universities in Asia.

Local Government: Negros Oriental is divided into several municipalities and cities, each with its own local government.

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